Ten Suffolk-based visitor economy businesses have taken up the challenge to become a Carbon Charter Pathfinder and lead the way in developing good practice and learning for the sector, and the opportunity for 5 more to join the network has been announced by the Suffolk Growth Partnership.
Visitor economy pathfinders, supported by Suffolk Growth, are benefitting from free Carbon Net Zero consultancy support from Groundwork East to bring tangible benefits to their business operations and work towards the Carbon Charter accreditation.
The 10 Visitor Economy Pathfinders come from a wide range of attractions and services across the sector and include;
- Africa Alive
- All Saints Hotel, Bury St Edmunds
- EEZYBIKE, the e-bike hire company
- The Food Museum in Stowmarket
- The Swan at Lavenham Hotel and Spa and Thorpeness Golf Club and Hotel
- Jimmy’s Farm
- Motion Mapping, the event project mapping business in Ipswich
- New Wolsey Theatre
- The SPILL Festival
Pathfinder businesses are already recognising the benefits of engaging in the journey towards the carbon net zero journeys within the visitor economy.
Simon Cooper of EEZYBIKE has already gained Silver Level accreditation.
” Without the Carbon Charter and the guidance from Suffolk Growth and Groundwork East, we would have simply struggled to get actively involved in the journey to becoming Carbon Net Zero, so we are delighted to have joined the others on the Carbon Charter list and I would encourage all companies of all sizes to join. As an electric bike rental company for leisure and business, having this accreditation has given us a higher credibility status”
David Scott, CEO of The Hotel Folk is starting the Pathfinder process across the Suffolk-based hotel chain and said
”As a local business we take our net zero journey seriously, however at times the task can feel overwhelming and leave you wondering where to start. Working with the Suffolk Growth and Groundwork East team has helped us break things down into simple steps and support us along the way”.
Suffolk Growth has been delighted with the sector response and is providing support for a further five visitor economy businesses to participate in the Carbon Charter Pathfinder network.
Richard Hunt, Suffolk Growth’s Strategic lead for the visitor economy welcomed further business interest in the initiative:
“Our goal is to work with visitor economy businesses to learn more about the benefits of sustainable approaches, and share good practice, supporting the sector to move towards a Carbon Net Zero visitor economy in Suffolk.”
Visitor economy businesses interested in becoming Pathfinders can find out more by contacting info@suffolkgrowth.co.uk or attending free webinars for visitor attractions, food and retail, and hospitality businesses in October and November by registering here
Suffolk Growth is working with local authorities and the sector to support the journey towards a Carbon Net Zero visitor economy in the county. This follows a report commissioned earlier this year setting out the challenge. Read more here.
Carbon Charter
The Carbon Charter provides guidance, support, and recognition to small and medium businesses throughout Suffolk as they take positive action towards Net Zero. The Carbon Charter Carbon Charter is a clear and visible statement of business commitment to reducing the environmental impact of operations. Read more here.