Suffolk Growth - How we work

Suffolk Growth is funded by Suffolk’s Public Sector Leaders (SPSL), with additional programme funding secured from external partners through bids. We report to SPSL on expenditure, including SIGIF awards, and present detailed activity updates to Suffolk Chief Officer Leadership Team (SCOLT), comprised of all local authority Chief Executives, on a regular basis. Suffolk Growth also provides the Secretariat function for Suffolk Growth Portfolio Holders, who meet to promote Suffolk’s shared economic aims and objectives.

Suffolk Growth works with a number of partners and stakeholders. We pro-actively engage to ensure that we add value, identifying the issues and opportunities for Suffolk’s wider economy, our businesses and our workforce to benefit from local, regional and national growth initiatives.

We also convene an annual series of workshops and training – see below for more details.

diagram of partner organisations

Suffolk Growth convenes an annual series of officer workshops & training sessions, business events and larger conferences – write ups from all previous events can be found here.

Upcoming workshops & events…


Our 2023 programme of workshops and events is currently in development. Sessions that are currently in the planning stages include:

  • The Green Economy: following up from October 2022 session, update on actions & next steps
  • Suffolk £: market engagement events to promote the significant opportunities for our construction and engineering supply chain arising from the pipeline of major projects and infrastructure investment forecast for Suffolk
  • Suffolk wide events & festivals: collective delivery approaches to maximise economic impact and secure efficiency gains
  • Our visitor economy: a shared approach to net zero

Recent events include...

Suffolk Design Review Panel Lunch-n-Learn

8th and 13th June

With many thanks to the Suffolk Design Review Panel, Suffolk Growth hosted two officer training sessions covering the principles and operation of Design Review Panels.

The slides from the training session can be seen here

Feedback from those attending the session included:

70% of those attending found the session very useful, with a further 10% scoring the session as useful
As a result of the training 70% of attendees are more likely to engage with a Design Review Panel in the future

Calendar of  Key Meetings

In addition, we engage on a regular basis with officers and teams across Suffolk through regular meetings including:

Suffolk Growth Officer Meetings

Monthly (Thursdays)
Local authority Economic Development teams, Planning Leads, Skills Leads, International Trade Advisors, NALEP, Suffolk Chamber, University of Suffolk, Suffolk Police, Federation of Small Businesses, Central Government (BEIS)

Major Sites Forum (Officers)

Planning and infrastructure leads (Floods, Highways) across Suffolk local authorities to share best practice, identify common approaches and deliver joint training when relevant.

Click here to read recent case studies prepared by the Major Sites Forum

Suffolk Visitor Econ Strategic Group (Officers)

Visitor economy leads across Suffolk local authorities

DPOG/DMOG (Officers)

Suffolk Growth attends this meeting of Planning Policy and Development Management leads across Suffolk and The Broads

Water Forum (Officers)

Suffolk local authority planning leads, SCC LLFA colleagues, Environment Agency, Water Companies, Water Resources East

Transport East Senior Officer Group (TESOG)

Suffolk Growth represents Suffolk D/B officers to ensure Suffolk’s growth aims and ambitions are reflected in regional and national transport strategies and investment asks.

Suffolk Climate Change, Energy & Environment Board (SCCEEB)

Suffolk Growth representation to ensure alignment between programmes of work. Previously led work on Sustainable Homes sub-group.

Growth Portfolio Holders (Members)

All Council Cabinet members with responsibility for Growth (Chair tbc)

Transport East Member meetings (Members)

District & Borough Council Cabinet members with responsibility for Transport (Chair tbc)


Our Partners

from across Suffolk and the wider East of England region: